10 Things You Didn't Know About Warren Buffets Investment Process

 Buffett likes to keep money invested for a long time. He believes this helps it grow a lot.

Thinks Long:

He looks for companies that are a good deal, meaning their stock price is lower than it should be.

Likes Deals:

He looks for companies that are a good deal, meaning their stock price is lower than it should be.

Knows What He Knows:

He likes to invest in big-name companies because he thinks their brands are valuable.

Buys Brands:

He keeps some extra money in case things get tough. This helps him buy more when prices are low.

Keeps Safe:

Buffett isn't afraid to say when he makes a mistake. He believes it helps him learn and get better.

Admits Mistakes:

Even though he's really good with money, he keeps learning new things all the time.

Always Learning:

He doesn't hurry to make decisions. He waits for the right time to invest.

Super Patient:

He loves reading books, and what he learns from them helps him make smart choices with money.

Loves Books:

Easy Words:

Even though he's smart with money, Buffett talks about it in simple ways so everyone can understand.